

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

After My Last Post, The Journalist Blocked Me On Twitter

On Twitter yesterday, SEC Filings on Weed! asked Debra Borchardt, a contributor to Forbes, "Any comment?"  The question was in regard to a possible erroneous claim in a January piece she wrote for Forbes.  Maybe I'm the only nerd to care about a piece of history like, "Who was the first publicly traded cannabis grower/processor/retailer?" Doubt it.

She could have approached this question about 100 ways, any one of which would probably be better than how she responded. She started with an ad hominem attack, then ignoring the possible errors in her story I was blocked from interacting with her on Twitter.

Facts don't matter in some journalism apparently.  It's much easier to cut and paste a press release than actually check the facts. People will be coming across this misinformation online for years now, unless a correction was made like in this MJ Biz Daily article.

Go on about your business, who cares about an accurate history of the cannabis industry. Derek Peterson, CEO of Terra Tech made the claim, but at this point we expect cannabis companies to pump up the story as much as possible.

What is the media's role here? 

Disclosure: I have no position in any firm mentioned in this post. This is still my portfolio.

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